The driving test practice that will help you ace your CDL exam

Over 14,000 people have used Airbrake to prepare for their CDL exam. Further your career as a truck driver today.


Frequently asked questions

    • Will this help me pass my Commercial Drivers License (CDL) exam?

      Yes, absolutely. We guarantee you will pass your CDL exam, or your money back.

    • What types of practice tests are included in the app?

      The app includes a wide range of practice tests covering all topics required for the CDL exam, including general knowledge, air brakes, hazardous materials, and more, tailored to both beginners and advanced users.

    • Can I track my progress within the app?

      Yes, the app features a comprehensive progress tracking system that allows you to see your improvement over time, identify areas that need more practice, and customize your study plan accordingly.

    • Where can I find the app?

      Airbrake is only available on the App Store currently. In the near future, we will be launching Android and web versions.

    • Where is Airbrake based?

      Our team is based in New York City and we operate across the United States.

    • Is there any age limit for using Airbrake?

      There is no age limit for our app, although CDL age requirements vary by state. We recommend checking your local regulations to ensure eligibility.

    • How often is the content updated?

      Our content is updated regularly to reflect the latest CDL exam formats and requirements. We aim to provide the most current and comprehensive preparation material.

    • Can I use the app offline?

      Yes - although progress can only be saved while online. This is perfect for studying on the go, even when you do not have an internet connection.

    • Do you offer customer support?

      Absolutely! We offer customer support to help you with any issues or questions you might have. You can reach out to us via the app or our website.

Pass your CDL exam

It takes 10 seconds to sign up. Download the app and start your driving journey today.